Monday, 21 September 2015

Treatment pitch: Task 3 and 4-

Today, Me and Courtney pitched our treatment plan to the class. We described and explained our ideas of what we are going include within our video. Once we explained to the class that are video is going to be narrative-based, the class responded positively as they thought this fit the idea and beat of the song. The class believed that the storyline that we are going to be portraying throughout the video fits the music track really well.

We received some feedback from our class and our teacher. The responses we got were:

. Include something that the guy likes/owns or a place he goes to,and show the girl being obsessed with it e.g. a piece of clothing, location etc, and have it as one of our key scenes within our video and keep cutting back to it.
.We also received an idea of having the relationship that is being portrayed as a homosexual relationship rather than a heterosexual relationship.
.Include some more performance within the video e.g. more lip synching.

What have we decided to change about our treatment?

Once we received the feedback, me and Courtney discussed if we were going to make any changes to make our video even better. We decided to take some of the feedback on board. For example, we believe that we including something that the girl is obsessed with would be a good idea, especially to have it as a key element. The place we are going to use that she is obsessed with is the forest. This would be because it is somewhere they always went when they were younger. So she would constantly go to the forest because it represents isolation/being alone, and this is how she feels

We are also going to add more lip synching, so therefore the video will be more performance based. However, we are not going to include the idea about showing a homosexual relationship as we believe that it will be hard to find the actors to feel comfortable with doing this.

Furthermore, in the beginning of the video, we are going to show what she is imagining, and then halfway through the cutting rate speeds up, and there are loads of scenes/images to show reality. Then in the second half of the video, we are showing her watching the guy she has feelings for with another girl.

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