Thursday, 10 September 2015

Evaluation of practice task-

Evaluation of practice task- 



I believe that we planned the practice task for the music video quite well. As a group, we took our time to analyse the lyrics for the part of the video we were going to the film. We looked at every word/line within our section and thought about the most necessary shots and locations to make our video look good. We thought clearly about what actions to also do to each lyrics to make our video appealing.


I feel like as a group, we should have planned the section for our music video a bit more thoroughly. Although I felt like we analysed it good, it wasn’t good enough. We could have added more detail to it which would have made our video to a better standard if done so.

Group work-


Everyone had a certain job to do e.g. planning, filming, editing, therefore no one was left to do nothing and we all knew what we had to do to make a good video. Also, we all helped each other out when we needed some help/advice from one another. This was very useful because we got each other’s opinions/perspectives.


I feel as if we worked well together, however not everyone put in the same amount of effort. Some people worked harder than others, also some people took it more seriously than others. Therefore, I feel like two of us worked well together, however someone didn’t put in as much effort as required. Therefore this was a weakness of the group as some worked harder than others.

Technical skills: camera and editing-


I feel that a strength of our camera skills was that we knew what shots we were going to use within the extract of filming for this practice music video. Also, we had planned as a group to use the zoom on the camera so that when it zoomed in and out, he fit the beat of the song. A strength of our editing skills was that we picked up how to do certain things e.g. adding effects quite easily. We also were quite good at choosing the right effect to fit the lyrics to the song.


I feel like we could have improved our camera skills dramatically. This is because we didn’t use more than one camera angle. Throughout the extract of the song that we filmed, we stayed in one location and we didn’t move the camera at all. All we done was use the zoom on the camera to have different shots. We didn’t use any close ups, extreme close ups or film in different locations. I feel like this was a major weakness in our camera skills and we have all definitely learnt from it, and therefore we now know how important it is to use a much wider variety of camera angles/shots. We also didn’t film for that long, therefore we should have done a bit more of the song we were given (Happy- Pharrell Williams). A weakness in our editing skills is that we could have done more filming, therefore we could have edited more as we didn’t have to edit as much as we should have.

Creative skills: Ideas and directing-


In terms of ideas, we all had an agreement on the ideas we had. We all had similar thinking, therefore we put all three of our ideas together and made it in to one bigger idea. We also planned what location would fit best, and who would be best to act out the lip synching.


I believe that a weakness in our ideas was that we did not have enough ideas and we didn’t brainstorm/plan it enough. I feel as if we done things too basic. I feel like if we had a more detailed plan/main idea, then our video would have come out better than it did. Our video wasn’t bad, but better ideas would have gave us a much better video overall.

Three targets for improvement:

.Plan my ideas more thoroughly

.Add a much wider range/variety of camera angles/shots.

.Always film more than you think you need.

Overall, I believe that the process of this task was very useful for a variety of things. I enjoyed doing this practice task as it gave me some new ideas and it opened up some ideas and things that I need to do differently for the real music video. This practice task taught me how to do things differently, and how to plan/prepare for the real thing. Therefore, this practice task was a very useful thing for me as it has really helped.

1 comment:

  1. some thoughtful and reflective comments that will help you when it comes to planning for the main task. You could think more specifically about shots to use for the next task. VC
