Thursday, 7 January 2016

Back of the cd, development- Task 9

In this picture, it shows the development I have made with adding texts. I have included all track names, the original, a remix version and a bonus track which is a lengthened version of the song, therefore encouraging the audience to buy the album as they benefit from this. In addition to this, I adjusted the placement of all the text so that they were therefore in line with each other, creating a more professional look. I didn't want to have massive gaps between the track names because it makes it look unprofessional, hence why they're closer together. 

Furthermore, I decided to change the size of the text for the information in brackets as it's not the most important information, therefore I made this text smaller, and this occurs in many CD covers quite often. I feel as if the development of the back of my CD is going really well and I'm enjoying doing it.


  1. I really like the images you have used in the front and the back cover it stands out especially the use of the earings in the images i like the use of the purple in the text but where does it come from theres no purple in the images i like the continuity of image types you have used for the front and the back. The text does look like a standard font maybe use something different to make it stand out or look different especially in the back it looks really simple, the fonts and the text size dont have the right proportions, does not have a modern feel it feels more vintage but i like how the image blurs in with the background
    instead of using numbers use bullet points and put the more higher up in the page increase the size of the song names.

  2. Looking at what you have done so far, i think you have so far created a great front cover. The image is simple yet powerful and the font suits the genre. However I think the purple text would be better if all of the text would be purple. The spine is good but the purple is quite hard to read as well as at the back of the CD cover the purple text is difficult to make out. The numbering with the 01. etc doesn't look to professional. On the other hand the photography is great and captures the genre well. Overall a good thorough start to your print products.
